Magnetite Mines Ltd


Magnetite Mines Limited (ASX:MGT) Magnetite Mines Limited (ASX:MGT) is a mineral exploration company exploring for iron ore and copper in South Australia and for iron, gold and uranium in the Northern Territory.

Our main focus is the Mawson Iron Project (MIP), a very large magnetite province located 240km NNE of Adelaide, South Australia - 100% owned and operated by Magnetite Mines Limited. The project has a JORC 2004 compliant resource of over 2.7 Billion tonnes (Indicated and Inferred) at the Razorback Ridge Deposit (Razorback) with an additional 1.2 Billion tonnes (Inferred) in the nearby Ironback Hill deposit. There remains up to a conservative 16 - 35 Billion tonnes as an exploration target at grades of 18 to 45% Fe. Razorback occurs in an infrastructure rich area that has access to nearby existing open user rail, port, power, gas, heavy engineering and dormitory towns. Presently a MOU between Magnetite Mines and Braemar Infrastructure exists for the implementation of an innovative slurry pipeline - infrastructure corridor to deliver iron ore concentrate from mine to ship in the Spencer Gulf.




财经视频:Royal Resources (ASX:ROY)董事总经理Marcus Flis在悉尼Investorium.tv向资本市场发表演讲

🕔9/22/2011 2:30:43 PM 18772

财经视频:Royal Resources (ASX:ROY)董事总经理Marcus Flis日前在悉尼参加了Investorium.tv商务派对,向资本市场介绍了该公司在Razorback的磁铁矿项目。Razorback铁矿石项目极有可能蕴藏一个大型的磁铁矿矿藏,并有公共铁路和港口基础设施的使用权。


2011年9月22日亚洲活动报告:Royal Resources (ASX:ROY)开始钻探极具潜力的Razorback铁矿石项目

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2011年9月22日亚洲活动报告内容包括:Royal Resources Limited (ASX:ROY)已经开始钻探位于南澳的极具潜力的Razorback铁矿石项目;Antipa Minerals Limited (ASX:AZY)今天表示,西澳Citadel项目2011年的钻探工作由于合同方的问题很可能会缩小规模,但是仍足以帮助公司取得2011年钻探工作的大多数目标;FAR Limited (ASX:FAR)表示,该公司将与Flow Energy Limited合并,以有条件场外收购的方式收购Flow Energy Limited所有已发行股份;New Age Exploration Limited (ASX:NAE)完成了对一个机构投资者和一位资深投资人的私募配股,筹得资金400万澳元;印度软件开发商和战略咨询公司Prism Informatics (BOM:505530)日前收购了全球IT咨询公司Idhasoft Limited 18%的股份。


2011年7月11日亚洲活动报告:Royal Resources (ASX:ROY)Razorback铁矿石项目资源翻一番至5.37亿吨

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2011年7月11日亚洲活动报告包括:Royal Resources Limited (ASX:ROY)在南澳大利亚州全资所有的Razorback铁矿石项目的第二阶段推断资源量翻了一番至5.372亿吨;Metminco Limited (ASX:MNC)位于秘鲁南部全资所有的Los Calatos铜钼项目被秘鲁政府定位"符合国家利益的项目";Realm Resources Limited (ASX:RRP) 今天表示,印度尼西亚Katingan Ria热能煤项目的南部区域主要煤层已确定存在4050万吨JORC推断资源量;MIL Resources Limited (ASX:MGK)将于八月底开始在巴布亚新几内亚的Golden Peak和Poi金铜项目开始进尺4000米的钻探工作。


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  • 118B Glen Osmond Road
    Parkside SA 5063
  • 电话
  • +61-8-8427-0516 
  • 主要部门
  • 材料 
  • 支柱产业
  • 采矿及金属 
  • 主页
  • E:


  • 2025/03/07: Cleansing Statement - Section 708A(12C)(e)*
  • 2025/03/07: Notification regarding unquoted securities - MGT*
  • 2025/03/05: Results of EGM*
  • 2025/03/05: Chair's address to the EGM*
  • 2025/02/07: Resignation of CFO and Co-Company Secretary*
  • 2025/01/31: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting/Proxy Form*
  • 2025/01/30: Quarterly Activities Report and App 5B Cash Flow report*
  • 2025/01/24: Cleansing Statement - Section 708A(12C)(e)*
  • 2025/01/24: Notification regarding unquoted securities - MGT*
  • 2025/01/24: Cleansing Statement - Section 708A(5)(e) Notice*
*refer to company website
