Stanmore Coal (ASX:SMR) is an operating coal mining company with a number of additional prospective coal projects and mining assets within Queensland's Bowen and Surat Basins. Stanmore Coal owns 100% of the Isaac Plains Coal Mine and the adjoining Isaac Plains East Project and is focused on the creation of shareholder value via the efficient operation of Isaac Plains and identification of further local development opportunities. Stanmore continues to progress its prospective high quality thermal coal assets in the Northern Surat Basin which will prove to be valuable as the demand for high quality, low impurity thermal coal grows at a global level. Stanmore's focus is on the prime coal bearing regions of the east coast of Australia.
Stanmore Coal Limited
Galilee Energy Ltd (ASX:GLL)更新了位于美国德克萨斯州Lavaca County的Hoffer B1井最新测试情况。Midcox unit的测试区域每天产出约6百万标准立方英尺天然气。
2011年11月8日亚洲活动报告:Stanmore Coal Limited (ASX:SMR)已完成其全资所有的位于昆士兰的Surat盆地的Range项目的预可行性研究;中国镁业有限公司(ASX:CMC)已签署一份协议,收购中国宁夏的一家独立、盈利的硅铁生产企业;Uranex Limited (ASX:UNX)再次确认其全资所有的坦桑尼亚南部Songea煤矿项目中的Lumecha煤田内存在煤;TVN Corporation Limited (ASX:TVN)今天表示在蒙古Nuurst煤矿项目进行的钻探已接近完成。
2011年7月5日亚洲活动报告: Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM)已在其全资所有的Owendale铂项目辨识出更多近地表铂和钪矿化;Cerro Resources NL (ASX:CJO)公布其全资所有的昆士兰Mt Philp赤铁矿铁探矿区的初步金刚石钻探结果;Alligator Energy LimiteStanmore Coal Limited (ASX:SMR)已经与Cameco Corporation (TSE:CCO)签署一份获得北领地矿权地EL 24992的90%权益的勘探协议;Stanmore Coal Limited (ASX:SMR) 增强了Tennyson项目Aries煤层达到2.2亿吨至2.9亿吨的煤勘探目标上端的信心。
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