Dampier Gold is positioning itself to be among the next generation of Australian gold producers. The Company is evaluting and exploring ~700km2 of the Plutonic-Marymia Greenstone Belt in central Western Australia with a view to near-term gold production. The project currently hosts defined Mineral Resources of 434,000 ounces of gold and Ore Reserves of 35,000 ounces of gold.
Dampier Gold Limited
2011年6月14日亚洲活动报告:GBM Resources Limited (ASX:GBZ) 报告了昆士兰Milo探矿区的铜、金、银、钴、钼和铀结果;Kidman Resources Limited (ASX:KDR)报告新南威尔士州中部的Blind Calf的第三阶段钻探工作结果;African Iron Limited (ASX:AKI)增派两台钻机加快刚果Mayoko铁矿石项目的资源界定钻探;Dampier Gold Limited (ASX:DAU) 收到了最近在Cinnamon、K1和Keillor East金矿完成的反循环钻孔的更多显著结果。
2011年4月19日澳洲股市包括:Dampier Gold (ASX:DAU)的Plutonic Dome项目内的K1和K2-K3矿床的金矿产资源总量增长到529,000;Ashburton Minerals Limited (ASX:ATN)证实Obi金矿项目高品位潜力;Scandinavian Resources Limited (ASX:SCR) 针对瑞典北部的世界级铁矿Kiruna铁矿区内几个5000万至1亿吨的铁矿床进行勘探;Straits Metals Limited (ASX:SRQ)报告2011年截至3月31日的季度活动。
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