3D Resources Limited is a minerals explorer targeting high value commodities (gold, copper, lead, zinc and nickel) and “future metals” (platinum, palladium, molybdenum, uranium and rare earth metals) in Western Australia. The Company’s projects are located in the Proterozoic Lamboo Complex of the East Kimberley, the Ashburton region of the Southwest Pilbara, the Paleoproterozoic Glengarry Basin, in the Peak Hill Goldfield and the highly prospective Archaean Cosmo Newbery area, in the Eastern Goldfields.
3D Resources Limited
2011年3月22日澳洲股市包括:Territory Uranium (ASX:TUC)公布北领地稀土钻探的更多佳绩;中国云南铜业澳大利亚有限公司(ASX:CYU)昆士兰Mount Dorothy探矿区稀土-铜-钴发现地进一步扩大;Bannerman Resources Limited (ASX:BMN)报告纳米比亚Etango铀矿项目高品位地表岩屑样品结果;3D Resources Limited (ASX:DDD)已与一家对印尼/西帝汶的锰矿、铁矿石和煤矿有兴趣的印尼集团签订一份谅解备忘录。
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