Regis Resources Ltd is an ASX listed company currently developing the Duketon Gold Project and exploring for gold and nickel on its extensive tenement holdings in the Leonora district of Western Australia. The Duketon Gold Project has a 3.5 million ounce resource based on the main Moolart Well deposit and seven satellite deposits, all of which are located on granted Mining Leases. A proven and probable reserve of 598,458 oz has been defined for the laterite and oxide ore zones at Moolart Well. The initial Project development is planned to be a 7 year operation at a throughput of 2.5-3.5 million tonnes per annum producing a minimum of 150,000 ounces of gold per annum, initially based on the Moolart Well deposit. A central milling facility is to be constructed at the Moolart Well mine site. The Duketon Feasibility Study and statutory permitting processes for the project are well advanced.
Regis Resources Limited
2011年4月20日澳洲股市包括:C @ Limited (ASX:CEO)签署协议收购蒙古炼焦煤和热能煤重磅资产;Energio Limited (ASX:EIO)已完成尼日利亚KCMH铁矿石项目的初次地球物理工作;MACA Limited (ASX:MLD) 已收到Regis Resources Limited (ASX:RRL)发出的一份提供Garden Well金矿采矿服务的意向书;Panax Geothermal Limited (ASX:PAX)公布一份新的印尼地热开发项目。
2010年12月21日澳洲股市报告包括:Metals X (ASX:MLX)的塔斯马尼亚Renison锡矿项目开始铜银生产;Regis ResourcesLimited (ASX:RRL)宣布Garden Well金矿的初始JORC储量估计为134万盎司;MediVac Limited (ASX:MDV)与斯里兰卡卫生部签订出口一份谅25-30台MetaMizers的谅解备忘录;Integra Mining Limited (ASX:IGR)宣布在西澳发现铜金矿化。
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