Global Resources Corporation Limited (ASX:GRM), formerly Cloncurry Metals Limited, is a rapidly emerging Australian exploration company with significant opportunities to develop large scale projects in Mexico and Queensland. Since 2007 the company has built an attractive and diversified portfolio of exploration targets focussing on base and precious metals, including gold, copper, and silver.
Global Resources Corporation Limited
2010年12月2日澳洲股市报告包括:Matsa Resources Limited (ASX:MAT)已收到中科英华高科技股份有限公司(SHA:600110)欲参与开发Matsa在西澳Norseman黄金项目的意向书;Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA)更新芬兰Kaapelinkulma黄金项目的矿产资源量;UraniumSA Limited (ASX:USA)报告南澳Mullaquana铀矿项目资源估算量提高;Cloncurry Metals Limited (ASX:CLU)报告瓦努阿图更多高品位银铜矿结果。
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