Mantle Mining Corporation Limited


Mantle Mining Corporation Limited is an Australia-based company. The Company’s principal activities are to acquire, explore, develop and mine gold, phosphate, coal and coal bed methane or other mineral resources. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008, the Company progressed a number of its exploration tenements from application through to drilling. This included an upgrade of 50% of its JORC compliant gold equivalent resource base at Granite Castle from Inferred into Measured and Indicated category status. The Company acquired an initial 87.5% interest, and subsequently consolidated the remaining 12.5% interest, in the Mt Mulligan Coal and Coal Bed Methane project in Queensland. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include Zulu Gold Pty Ltd, Trafford Coal Pty Ltd and Phantom Creek Uranium Pty Ltd




2011年10月17日亚洲活动报告:International Coal Limited (ASX:ICX)扩大South Blackall项目煤矿钻探计划

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2011年10月17日亚洲活动报告:International Coal Limited (ASX:ICX)已扩大其全资拥有的昆士兰South Blackall项目的钻探计划;Avanco Resources Limited (ASX:AVB)报告巴西Rio Verde铜矿项目的出色结果;Cardia Bioplastics Limited (ASX:CNN)已在马来西亚获颁BioNexus Status;Mantle Mining Corporation Limited(ASX:MNM)在维多利亚省的全资项目Bacchus Marsh煤矿项目实施的15个钻孔的钻探计划目前已完成4个钻孔;Seven Group Holdings (ASX:SVW)旗下的公司Vocus Communications (ASX:VOC)已取得一份为期多年的合同,为领先的4G无线通讯提供商vividwireless提供互联网转接和数据中心服务。


2010年11月25日澳洲股市:Comet Ridge (ASX:COI)获昆士兰加利利盆地煤层气资源认证

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2010年11月25日澳洲股市:Comet Ridge (ASX:COI)获得了专业独立评估机构颁发的资源认证;Energy Ventures Limited (ASX:EVE)在美国100%所有的Aurora铀矿项目获得了金刚石钻探许可;Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA)在芬兰进行的金刚石钻探项目已经完成;Mantle Mining Corporation Limited (ASX:MNM)收到了在北领地进行的磷酸盐项目最新钻探的所有结果。


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  • 采矿及金属