Clancy Exploration (ASX:CLY) is an Australian-focused copper, gold and base metals explorer. The Company’s portfolio has been built up over a number of years and consists of highly prospective copper-gold projects in the Lachlan Fold Belt of NSW, base metal projects in the Mount Read Volcanic Belt of Tasmania, Nadbuck near Broken Hill and Yalgoo adjacent to the Golden Grove mine in Western Australia.
Clancy Exploration Limited
2011年3月23日澳洲股市:Gryphon Minerals Limited (ASX:GRY)报告布基纳法索Banfora金矿项目更多钻探结果;Beadell ResourcesLimited (ASX:BDR)公布巴西Tucano金矿项目更多重大钻探结果;Clancy Exploration Limited (ASX:CLY)新南威尔士州中部的Condobolin项目钻遇高品位金、银和基础金属矿化;Blackthorn Resources Limited (ASX:BTR)筹资1000万澳元为布基纳法索的金矿和锌矿项目提供资金。
2010年10月28日澳洲股市:Stonehenge Metals (ASX:SHE)的韩国项目得到U3O8含量5,354ppm的分析结果;Highlands Pacific (ASX:HIG)今天报告位于巴布亚新几内亚的世界级Frieda铜金项目的重大勘探钻探结果;Clancy Exploration Limited (ASX:CLY) 报告新南威尔士州高品位贵金属和基础金属结果;Arafura Resources Limited (ASX:ARU)宣布筹资9000万澳元推进Nolans稀土项目。
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