Gerdau SA
SAO:GGBR4 ISIN:US3737371050
Gerdau SA (SAO:GGBR4) (NYSE:GGB) is a producer of long rolled steel. Gerdau operates steel mills that produce steel by direct iron-ore reduction (DRI) in blast furnaces and in electric arc furnaces (EAF). In Brazil it operates four integrated steel mills, including its mill, Ouro Branco unit, an integrated steel mill located in the state of Minas Gerais. The Company has a total of 59 steel producing units globally, including joint ventures and associate companies. The joint ventures include a unit located in the United States for the production of flat rolled steel and another unit in India. The associate companies are Aceros Corsa S.A. de C.V. (Aceros Corsa) in Mexico, Corporacion Centroamericana del Acero S.A. (Corporacion Centroamericana del Acero) in Guatemala and Industrias Nacionales (INCA) in the Dominican Republic. The Company operates in four segments: Brazil (Brazil BO), North America (North America BO), Latin America (Latin America BO) and Specialty Steel (Specialty Steel BO).

2010年12月20日澳洲股市:IMX Resources (ASX:IXR)已向中国发运第一批铁铜矿石货物;澳洲药品开发公司Phylogica Limited (ASX:PYC)已与辉瑞制药(NYSE:PFE)签订合作与许可证协议;Copper Strike Limited (ASX:CSE)在昆士兰西北部的Walford Creek项目已取得良好的铜/银/钴结果;South American Ferro Metals Limited (ASX:SFZ)在巴西生产的铁矿石超出400,000吨。
拉丁美洲钢铁协会(ILAFA)将于2010年24日至26日在布宜诺斯艾利斯举办2010拉美钢铁大会。大会将在希尔顿大酒店举行,从早上9点到下午4点,会议期间还包括城市游览和景点观光活动,如参观Fortabat博物馆、Colon剧院以及PROA Foundation等,与会人士也将有机会在Coleccion饭店享用特别的地中海美食。
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