United Uranium Limited


United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL) is an Australia-based company. The principal activity of the Company is uranium exploration. As of June 30, 2010, the Company held seven uranium tenements in the Northern Territories. The Company’s projects include McArthur River Project, Pine Creek Project, and Dunmarra Basin and Wiso. The Company received the final processed data for the airborne electromagnetic survey (VTEM) flown in conjunction with Geoscience Australia over the McArthur River Project. The VTEM survey includes east west flight lines on 250 meters spacing for a total of 981 flight line kilometers. The Pine Creek Project Geosyncline is a gold and uranium province in the Northern Territory. Other uranium deposits and prospects in the central and southern Pine Creek Orogeny are located outside the areas of the uranium fields and are classified as vein type. 



2011年7月18日亚洲活动报告:TVN Corporation (ASX:TVN)在蒙古发现137米厚含煤系统

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2011年7月18日亚洲活动报告:TVN Corporation Limited (ASX:TVN) 已在蒙古中部的Nuurst项目钻遇一个137米厚的含煤系统;Hunnu Coal Limited (ASX:HUN)已经收到蒙古Tsant Uul 项目的开采牌照;United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL)已开始在北领地的McArthur River项目开始钻探;Exalt Resources Limited (ASX:ERD)已在新南威尔士州其全资所有的Mineral Hill South 项目完成大量地球物理查勘。


2011年2月24日澳洲股市:Viralytics (ASX:VLA)收到中国颁发的有关使用EVATAK(TM)治疗卵巢癌的专利批准通知

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2011年2月24日澳洲股市包括:Viralytics (ASX:VLA) 收到中国颁发的有关使用EVATAK(TM)治疗卵巢癌的专利批准通知;Peak Resources Limited (ASX:PEK)报告2010年11月至12月期间在Ngualla中部山区实施反循环钻探和金刚石钻探的其余检测结果;Ferrum Crescent Limited (ASX:FCR)已开始在南非Moonlight铁矿石项目钻探;United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL)公布山东省第一地矿勘察院投资批准;Gindalbie Metals Limited (ASX:GBG)今天宣布将在两个月内发运首批西澳Karara铁矿石项目生产的铁矿石货物。


2010年9月27日澳洲股市:Metgasco Limited (ASX:MEL)考虑浮式液化天然气项目

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2010年9月27日澳洲股市报告包括:Metgasco Limited (ASX:MEL)考虑浮式液化天然气项目并开始可行性研究;Tap Oil Limited (ASX:TAP)公布,昨天在文莱达鲁萨兰的区块M钻陆上勘探井Markisa-1;Centaurus Metals Limited (ASX:CTM)报告称,继获得很好钻探结果后,正在稳步迈向取得Jambreiro初始资源量的目标;United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL)已经与山东省第一地质矿产勘查院签署了一份条款清单。


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