ConAgra Foods, Inc
NYSE:CAG ISIN:US2058871029
ConAgra Foods, Inc., (NYSE:CAG/market cap: USD$17B) is one of North America's largest packaged food companies with branded and private label food found in 99 percent of America's households, as well as a strong commercial foods business serving restaurants and foodservice operations globally. Additionally, ConAgra Foods supplies frozen potato and sweet potato products as well as other vegetable, spice, and bakery products to commercial and foodservice customers.

今天澳洲股市延续周五跌势,早盘重挫。上周五由于对欧洲债务危机的新一轮恐惧,道琼斯指数暴跌3.2%之后,本周一亚洲股市普遍低开。匈牙利首相发言人说匈牙利经济有进入希腊式债务危机的危险。澳股基本指数S&P/ASX 200早盘下跌逾3%。
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