Wonder Auto Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:WATG) is a manufacturer of automotive electric parts, suspension products and engine components in the People’s Republic of China. The products include alternators, starters, engine valves and tappets, and rods and shafts for use in shock absorber systems. The products are used in a range of passenger and commercial automobiles.
中国领先的太阳能单晶硅锭及硅片制造商 ─ 阳光能源控股有限公司 (阳光能源」或「公司」,香港联交所上市股份编号:(HKG:0757),台湾存托凭证代号:9157TT) 执行董事兼总裁谭文华出任中国海外上市企业协会(以下简称「协会」)副会长,公司行政秘书邵荣斌出席了在北京好苑建国酒店隆重召开的中国海外上市企业协会暨第一届理事会成立大会。
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