MSM Corporation International Ltd
MSM Corporation International Limited (ASX:MSM) is an online entertainment company that specialises in building and launching new digital entertainment products to audiences in the US, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. MSMCI partners with local operators in non-English speaking markets to maximise the reach of its products and services globally.

受媒体集团News Corp.(新闻集团) 良好财报的鼓舞,周三澳洲股市上涨。基准S&P/ASX200 指数上涨42.6 点, 或0.9%, 报4647.9点;综合指数上涨44.4点, 或1%, 报4673.2 点。
昨天澳洲股市因套利盘出售而下跌,此前美国铝业巨头美铝公司公布的四季度财报结果未达到市场预期。资源股拖累澳洲市场走低。基准指数S&P/ASX200 收盘下跌51.2点, 或1.03%, 报4,899.5点;综合指数下跌49.6点, 或1%, 报4,931.6 点。
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