Genetic Technologies Limited
Genetic Technologies was an early pioneer in recognizing important new applications for "non-coding" DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid). The Company has since been granted patents in 24 countries around the world, securing intellectual property rights for particular uses of non-coding DNA in genetic analysis and gene mapping across all genes in all multicellular species. Its three-pronged business strategy includes: 1) the global commercialization of its patents through an active licensing program; 2) the expansion of its dominant commercial genetic testing business in Australia; and, 3) the commercialization of its various research and development projects aimed at generating further intellectual property of global commercial significance.

周三澳洲股市收市平淡,受银行股拖累,下午的盘面回吐出早先的涨幅。由于投资者对铁矿石价格乐观,矿业股上涨。收盘时基准指数S&P/ASX200上涨1.6 点,报4925.9 点; 综合指数上涨7.7 点, 或0.15%, 报4947.2点。
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