Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IndianOil) owns and operates a network of crude oil and petroleum product pipeline in India. It has two divisions: Refineries Division and Marketing Division. The Refineries Division is focused on managing the public sector refineries and the Marketing Division is focused on distribution not only the entire production of public sector refineries but also the deficit products imported. It is organized in two segments: sale of petroleum products, and other businesses, which comprises sale of imported crude oil, sale of gas, petrochemicals, explosives and cryogenics, wind mill power generation and oil and gas exploration activities jointly undertaken in the form of unincorporated joint ventures. The Digboi Refinery of Assam Oil Division processed 0.623 million metric tons (MMT) of crude oil during the year. The Division sold about 1.067 MMT of products. IBP Division comprises the explosives and cryogenics business.

在美国的良好经济数据提振消费者信心之后,周五亚洲股市大多开盘上涨。今天的关注点将是中国的一系列经济数据。今天晚些时候将发布工业生产数据、消费物价指数(CPI) 和零售销售等重要中国官方数据。
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