First Quantum Minerals Limited

TSE:FM ISIN:CA3359341052

First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (FQM) is engaged in the production of copper, gold and acid, and related activities, including exploration, development and processing. These activities are conducted in Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mauritania and Finland. The Company's assets in Zambia include the 80% owned Kansanshi open pit copper-gold mine, the 100% owned Kashime copper project and the 100% owned Bwana Mkubwa SX/EW facility and sulphuric acid plants. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Company operates the 95% owned open pit Frontier copper mine and is developing the 65% owned the Kolwezi copper-cobalt tailings project. In Mauritania, FQM operates the 80% owned Guelb Moghrein copper-gold mine. Its principal operating subsidiaries are First Quantum Mining and Operations Limited (FQMO), which includes Bwana Mkubwa and Kevitsa Mining. In June 2008, FQM acquired Scandinavian Minerals Limited, which owns the 100% owned Kevitsa nickel-copper-PGE project in northern Finla 




🕔12/10/2009 9:30:02 AM 16820

澳洲股市在资源股拖累下连续第四天下跌。因全球债务恐慌,澳洲股市早盘暴跌。日本的增长率数字令人失望,也给澳洲市场造成压力。收盘时,基准 S&P/ASX200 指数下跌 32.7 点, 或 0.7%, 报4637.9 点; 综合指数下跌33.8 点, 或 0.7%, 报4652.6点。今天澳元也跌到91 美分以下。


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