Haitong Securities Company Limited is principally engaged in securities businesses. The Company' major businesses include acting purchase and sale of securities, including foreign capital stocks listed in China; deputy principal and dividends payment of securities; keeping and authenticating of securities on others’ behalf; acting as an agent to make registrations and open accounts; trading of securities; underwriting (including lead underwriting) of securities, including foreign capital stocks listed in China; consultation of securities investments, including financial consultation; as well as asset management on others' behalf. During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company completed lead underwriting for 11 stocks.

ACB News《澳华财经在线》报道,CuDeco公司22日公告,最大股东中国泛海国际投资有限公司(下称"泛海国际")拟注资3000万澳元,将股权比例最高提升至19.9%。董事会已与香港泛海国际签订谅解备忘录,购股总对价最高可达3千万,该方案有待澳外资监管委员会(FIRB)审批。
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