Mitsubishi Rayon Co., Ltd. was established as a rayon staple manufacturer in 1933 and has expanded to manufacture and sell synthetic fibers and resins. Chemicals and plastics (chemicals, molding materials, sheets & films, plastic modifiers, coating materials and artificial marbles); Fibers (acrylic fibers, acetate fibers, polyester filaments, polypropylene filaments and textile products); Others (engineering, services, market research, information systems and trading company functions) and Specialty products (carbon fibers, composite materials, plastic optical fibers, image display materials, water purifiers, hollow fiber membrane filters and printed circuit boards).
TYO:3404 ISIN:JP3903600009
今天上午亚洲股市大多略有上涨。日本日经股价指数在四个月内首次跌至9600点以下。在房地产公司东京建物(Tokyo Tatemono )表示将发行新股筹资456.4 亿日元之后,日经指数早先的涨势回落。周四韩国股市在重要技术企业的上涨带动下扬升。
一家日本媒体报道,日本的三菱丽阳株式会社(Mitsubishi Rayon )(TYO:3404) 计划在沙特阿拉伯与当地主要化学品企业Saudi Basic Industries Corp (Sabic) 建立一家合资企业,生产用于丙烯酸玻璃的材料。预计该工厂在2013年开始运营。
68,934 公司背景浏览
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