The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. (BTM) is a leading commercial bank in Japan, offering an extensive scope of commercial, investment, and trust banking products and services to businesses, governments and individuals worldwide. BTM's domestic network comprises more than 260 branches, sub-branches and agencies. The BTM Group's global network, spanning more than 40 countries, is unrivaled among its Japanese peers. 



Fosters Group Limited (ASX:FGL) 批准5亿美元的亚洲银团债务融资

🕔7/30/2009 10:01:44 AM 15660

Fosters Group Limited (ASX:FGL) 的董事会已经批准一笔5亿美元的3年期银团债务融资,此前该公司刚刚进行过一次成功的路演,并接到进入亚洲银行债务市场的邀请。


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