Renewable Energy Holdings plc owns and operates the Kesfeld and Kirf Windparks in Germany and the Gwynt Cymru Landfill Gas site in Wales. Through its subsidiary, Seapower Pacific Pty Ltd, the Company is engaged in research and development for the purposes of developing technology to capture energy produced by ocean waves to generate electricity and produce as a by-product, desalinated water. Through Windpark Kesfeld Heckhuscheid GmbH & Co KG and Windpark Kirf GmbH & Co KG, the Company owns and operates windparks in Germany.
Renewable Energy Holdings Plc
周一澳洲股市在矿业和银行股的拖累下收跌,市场在联邦预算出台之前保持谨慎,今晚将预告此次预算将出现刷新纪录的赤字。昨天,基本指数S&P/ASX200 下挫 15.7 点, 或 0.4%, 报 3926 点, 综合指数下跌 9.1 点, 或 0.23%, 报 3910.5点。
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