PepsiCo, Inc.

NYSE:PEP ISIN:US7134481081

PepsiCo, Inc. (PepsiCo) is a global beverage, snack and food company. The Company manufactures, markets and sells a range of salty, convenient, sweet and grain-based snacks, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages and foods approximately 200 countries, with its operations in North America, Mexico and the United Kingdom. The Company is organized into three business units: PepsiCo Americas Foods, which includes Frito-Lay North America, Quaker Foods North America and all of its Latin American food and snack businesses, including its Sabritas and Gamesa businesses in Mexico; PepsiCo Americas Beverages, which includes PepsiCo Beverages North America and all of its Latin American beverage businesses, and PepsiCo International, which includes all PepsiCo businesses in the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa. The Company's three business units were organized in six segments: FLNA, QFNA, LAF, PAB, United Kingdom & Europe, and Middle East, Africa & Asia. 




🕔12/4/2009 4:01:25 PM 21923




🕔3/26/2009 1:00:44 PM 21634

昨日澳洲股市没有受到华尔街走弱的带动而继续之前的上扬走势。基准指数S&P/ASX200 上升0.8%,或29.3点,报3609.3点,而综合指数增加0.8%,或28.9点,报3546.2点。


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