TYO:7912 ISIN:JP3493800001
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Limited (DNP), provides publishing and commercial printing services. The group also manufactures and sells office equipment, packaging machinery, construction materials, information recording materials and electronic parts. Operations are carried out through the following sectors: PRINTING: Information media, Information Electronic parts; BEVERAGE: Carbonated and incarbonated drinks. Commercial printing, book/magazine printing & other printing operations accounted for 95% of fiscal 2001 revenues and soft dinks, 5%.

亚洲股市大都跟随华尔街昨晚的乐观情绪开盘急升。日本的日经平均指数和韩国的Kospi 指数今晨高开,但很快回落,失掉了先前的收益。东京股市因出口企业受日元坚挺的损害而跌破8000点。
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