
Sojitz Corporation is a Japan-based holding company engaged in the trading and distribution of goods. The Company operates in six core business segments. The Machinery and Space Aeronautics segment offers automobiles and automobile parts, construction and industrial machinery, power-generating equipment, bearings, marine vessels and airplanes. The Energy and Metal Resources segment provides petroleum and gas, petroleum products, aluminum, coal, iron, zinc, bronze and tin. The Chemicals and Synthetic Resins segment offers organic and inorganic chemicals, fine chemicals, chemical fertilizers, cosmetics, industrial salt and plastic molding machines. The Construction and Timber segment is engaged in purchase, sale, leasing, brokerage and management of real estate. The Lifestyle segment offers cover textiles, non-woven fabrics, marine products, foodstuffs and bedding products. The Overseas Corporation Segment has operating locations worldwide that deal with various products and services. 




🕔3/13/2009 3:00:40 PM 20208

周四大多数亚洲市场收跌,失掉了前几天交易的受益。日本由于出口企业受日元走强的打击,日经225指数下跌2.4%。其它主要股指,包括中国的沪市成分指数、香港恒生指数和韩国的Kospi 指数,都由于投资者对经济展望缺乏信心并在等待清晰前景,昨日收盘变化幅度不大。


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