Doosan Heavy Industry & Construction Co.
SEO:034020 ISIN:KR7034020008
Doosan is building a brighter and happier future for people with its power plant technology implemented in Sipat, India, Tennessee, USA, Shuaibah, Saudi Arabia, Ras Laffan, Qatar, and Qinshan, China. Doosan has so far built over 300 nuclear, thermal, combined cycle and hydro power plants. Doosan is currently building more than 60 power plants in Korea, USA, India, China and other countries. Doosan is fast becoming an EPC contractor as a result of continuous investments and R&D, while also developing wind power systems, fuel cells and environmentally friendly next-generation energy.
2011年7月26日亚洲活动报告:Metgasco Limited (ASX:MEL)今天表示Harrier P01 CSG试验井的采气率已达到每日230,000标准立方英尺;MRG Metals Limited (ASX:MRQ) 已获得收购有高度勘探前景的西澳Collie South煤矿项目的选择购买权;Havilah Resources NL (ASX:HAV)已经与两家中国公司签署推进Maldorky铁矿石项目的非约束性协议;Tap Oil Limited (ASX:TAP)提供泰国湾的Manora石油开发进展;斗山重工业(SEO:034020)已签署一项交易为中国提供一座核反应堆;Thermax Limited (BOM:500411)和美国公司Amonix, Inc.宣布成立排他性合作伙伴关系,将清洁发电的聚光光伏技术带到印度。
周四大多数亚洲市场收跌,失掉了前几天交易的受益。日本由于出口企业受日元走强的打击,日经225指数下跌2.4%。其它主要股指,包括中国的沪市成分指数、香港恒生指数和韩国的Kospi 指数,都由于投资者对经济展望缺乏信心并在等待清晰前景,昨日收盘变化幅度不大。
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