Citigroup Inc.

NYSE:C ISIN:US1729671016

Citigroup Inc. (Citi) is a global diversified financial services holding company whose businesses provide a range of financial services to consumer and corporate customers. On January 16, 2009, the Company announced a realignment, for management and reporting purposes, into two businesses: Citicorp, primarily comprised of the Company's Global Institutional Bank and the Company’s international regional consumer banks; and Citi Holdings, primarily comprised of the Company’s brokerage and asset management business, local consumer finance business, and a special asset pool. The Company operates in five business segments: global cards, consumer banking, institutional clients group (ICG), global wealth management (GWM) and corporate/other. 




🕔3/6/2009 3:00:30 PM 17554

周四亚洲股市涨跌互见。沪市成分指数上涨1.0%,但香港恒生指数下跌1.0%。韩国Kospi 指数跌0.1%,丢掉了先前的受益;日本的日经225指数收涨2.0%。


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