The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.

The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. (SCI) is an India-based shipping company. SCI's Bulk Carrier and Tanker Division (B&T) operates a fleet of vessels designed to carry dry, liquid and liquefied gaseous bulk cargoes. The division includes three segments: bulk carriers, tankers and specialized vessels. The Technical and Offshore Services (T&OS) Division of SCI provides technical and offshore services. During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008 (fiscal 2008), the Company owned 20 bulk carriers comprising 15 Handymax and five Handysize vehicles. During fiscal 2008, the Company’s fleet included 79 ships. 




🕔2/25/2009 3:30:26 PM 18814

昨天在华尔街暴跌之后,亚洲股市普遍下挫。日经指数连续第三个交易日下跌,触26年来最低点。在首尔,Kospi 指数下滑3.2%。中国股市据说是世界上表现最好的股市之一,但沪市成分指数也重挫4.6%,香港恒生指数下跌2.9%,与中国有关的股票纷纷跟随沪市走低。


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