Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) is a Korea-based contractor that specializes in shipbuilding and engineering. The Company builds various vessels, offshore platforms, drilling rigs, floating oil production units, submarines and destroyers. The Company's major products are divided into three categories: commercial ships, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carriers, tankers, container ships and passenger ships; offshore and plant vessels, including fixed platforms for offshore oil and natural gas production, rigs and onshore plants, and naval ships, such as submarines, destroyers, battleships, submarine rescue vessels and other specialty vessels. It also provides power generating equipment and industrial machineries. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the sale of vessels accounted for approximately 71% of the Company's total revenue. On June 5, 2008, the Company established a Omani subsidiary company DSME Oman.
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
SEO:042660 ISIN:KR7042660001
世界第四大造船企业、韩国的STX海洋造船公司(STX Offshore & Shipbuilding)(SEO:067250)预计今年将接到创纪录的20亿美元的海上石油工作船和海上平台的新订单。
周四大多数亚洲市场收跌,失掉了前几天交易的受益。日本由于出口企业受日元走强的打击,日经225指数下跌2.4%。其它主要股指,包括中国的沪市成分指数、香港恒生指数和韩国的Kospi 指数,都由于投资者对经济展望缺乏信心并在等待清晰前景,昨日收盘变化幅度不大。
由于投资者担忧经济恶化,并对是否能收到美国刺激计划的直接帮助持怀疑态度,昨天亚洲股市下挫 。东京股市在假日后重新开市,下跌3%,银行股和出口企业领跌。香港恒生指数跌2.3%,沪市综合指数跌0.6%。今天亚洲主要股指可能会继续跌势。
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