Verenex Energy Inc.

CVE:VNX ISIN:CA9234011034

Verenex Energy Inc. (Verenex) is a Canada-based international oil and gas exploration and production company. The Company's core asset is a 50% operated working interest in Area 47 in the Ghadames Basin in northwest Libya. The Company also holds oil and gas assets in France with beneficial interests ranging from 22.5% to 95% in various properties in the Paris and Aquitaine basins operated by Vermilion Rep SAS (VREP), an affiliate of Vermilion Energy Trust (Vermilion). Area 47 covers a total of 82 square kilometres. Verenex is the operator with a 50% working interest and Medco International Ventures Limited holds the remaining 50%. During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company completed the acquisition phase of a 1,225 square kilometre three dimension (3D) seismic survey in the eastern part of Area 47. At December 31, 2007, Verenex had completed the drilling of nine wells, including six new field wildcat exploration wells and three appraisal wells. 



Verenex (TSE:VNX) 表示中国石油收购案遇麻烦

🕔6/23/2009 2:44:06 PM 10946

加拿大石油生产企业Verenex (TSE:VNX) 提醒投资者,与中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)的收购交易可能无法继续,甚至可能完全取消。



🕔12/15/2008 3:21:24 PM 9359

据市场消息说,中国石油(PetroChina)(NYSE:PTR)的母公司--中国最大的石油公司中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)为扩展在非洲的石油和天然气资产,向加拿大石油公司Verenex Energy(TSE:VNX)发出收购要约。


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