General Motors Corporation
General Motors Corporation (NYSE: GM). The Group's principal activities are divided into two business segments: Automotive, Communications Services and other operations and Financing and Insurance operations. Automotive, communications services and other segment designs, manufactures and markets cars, trucks, locomotives and heavy-duty transmissions and related parts and accessories. Financing and Insurance operations are conducted through General Motors Acceptance Corporation and other financing entities which provides a range of financial services. The services includes consumer vehicle financing, full-service leasing and fleet leasing, dealer financing, car and truck extended service contracts, residential and commercial mortgage services, commercial, vehicle, and homeowners' insurance and asset-based lending. Automotive, communications services and other operations accounted for 85% of 2001 revenues and financing and insurance operations, 15%.

由于投资者担忧经济恶化,并对是否能收到美国刺激计划的直接帮助持怀疑态度,昨天亚洲股市下挫 。东京股市在假日后重新开市,下跌3%,银行股和出口企业领跌。香港恒生指数跌2.3%,沪市综合指数跌0.6%。今天亚洲主要股指可能会继续跌势。
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