Greatcell Solar Limited (ASX:DYE) (OTCMKTS:DYSOY) is a global leader in the development and commercialisation of Perovskite Solar Cell (PSC) technology – 3rd Generation photovoltaic technology that can be applied to glass, metal, polymers or cement. Greatcell Solar Limited manufactures and supplies high performance materials and is focussed on the successful commercialisation of PSC photovoltaics. It is a publicly listed company: Australian Securities Exchange ASX (DYE) and German Open Market (D5I). Learn more at our website and subscribe to our mailing list in English and German.
Greatcell Solar Limited
2011年8月15日亚洲活动报告内容包括:Dyesol Limited (ASX:DYE)染料敏化太阳能电池涂层钢项目又取得里程碑式的发展;U3O8 Limited (ASX:UTO)今天报告了西澳Saltwater Pool合资项目最新的样本分析结果;Legacy Iron Ore Limited (ASX:LCY)将于下周开始,在西澳Mt Bevan铁矿石项目开始第二阶段、总进尺6000米的反循环钻探;Alkane Resources Limited (ASX:ALK)与欧洲的一家顶尖的贸易公司签署了一份谅解备忘录,将组建合资企业,在欧洲、北美和其他市场销售并推广锆产品。
2011年3月30日澳洲股市包括:DYESOL Limited (ASX:DYE) 与塔塔钢铁(BOM:500470)已决定扩大其英国光伏开发合作项目;UGL Limited (ASX:UGL)已与National TriGeneration CHP Company在沙特阿拉伯王国签署一份物业服务协议;Magma Metals Limited (ASX:MMW)更新加拿大ThunderBay North铂-钯-铜-镍项目的钻探进展;Icon Energy Limited (ASX:ICN)在中国签订一份液化气销售协议。
澳洲国民银行(NAB)对安盛亚太控股公司的澳大利亚和新西兰资产提出令人惊讶的收购要约后,澳洲股市回吐早前的大部分涨幅。Woodside的筹资也促使市场回调。收盘时澳洲股市略有上涨。基准指数S&P/ASX200 收涨 8.4 点, 或0.18%, 报4670.3点;综合指数上涨13.5 点, 或0.29%, 报4689.6 点。
Dyesol Ltd (ASX:DYE)已经与韩国Acrosol公司签下60万欧元(约100万澳元)合约,提供一个总体解决方案研发实验室,并提供纳米晶太阳能电池(DSC)发展的全方位培训。
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