Taifook Securities Group Limited

Taifook Securities Group Limited is an investment holding company. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, operates in six segments. The broking segment is engaged in securities, futures, options and bullion contracts broking and dealing. The margin and other financing segment is engaged in the provision of margin financing to margin customers, and personal loans and commercial loans to individuals and corporate customers, respectively. The corporate advisory, placing and underwriting segment is engaged in the provision of corporate advisory, placing and underwriting services. The trading and investment segment is engaged in investment holding, and trading of securities, futures, options and bullion contracts. The financial planning and advisory services segment is engaged in the provision of financial planning and advisory services. The others segment comprises fund management and the provision of custodian and handling services. 

شاهد بلغة أخرى


نظـرة عـامة على الآسـواق الآسيـويـة في 23 تشرين الثاني /نوفمبر

🕔11/23/2009 3:16:48 PM 12895

تجاهلت أسواق الأسهم الآسيوية خسائر وول ستريت وافتتحت معظمها على إرتفاع اليوم الإثنين.

قراءة المقال كاملا

68,739 مشاهدات نبذة عن الشركة

  • تمت زيارة هذه الصفحة في: (آخر 7 أيام: 42) (آخر 30 يوماً: 167) (منذ نشرها: 12893) 

بيانات الشركة

    القطاع الرئيسي
  • مالي عام 
  • الصناعة الرئيسية
  • Financial Services 
  • الصفحة الرئيسية
  • www.taifook.com