NWS Holdings Limited

NWS Holdings Limited (NWS Holdings) is an investment holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in the investment in and/or operation of facilities, contracting, transport and financial services, and the development, investment, operation and/or management of power plants, water treatment and waste management plants, roads as well as container terminals. It operates in seven segments: ports and logistics; roads and bridges; energy, water treatment and waste management; facilities management; contracting; financial services, and consumer and related services. The Company operates in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Macau. NWS Holdings operates 20 road and related projects in Hong Kong and Mainland China’s strategic locations. It operates 25 water treatment and waste treatment projects, treating up to 6.62 million cubic meters of water and waste water per day, 540 tons of sludge per day and 60,000 tons of waste per year. 

شاهد بلغة أخرى


نظـرة عـامة على الآسـواق الآسيـويـة في 23 تشرين الثاني /نوفمبر

🕔11/23/2009 3:16:48 PM 12862

تجاهلت أسواق الأسهم الآسيوية خسائر وول ستريت وافتتحت معظمها على إرتفاع اليوم الإثنين.

قراءة المقال كاملا

67,636 مشاهدات نبذة عن الشركة

  • تمت زيارة هذه الصفحة في: (آخر 7 أيام: 41) (آخر 30 يوماً: 144) (منذ نشرها: 12232) 

بيانات الشركة

    القطاع الرئيسي
  • صناعة 
  • الصناعة الرئيسية
  • Industrial 
  • الصفحة الرئيسية
  • www.nws.com.hk