Ningbo Shanshan Co.,Ltd. is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of garments and high technology materials, as well as venture investment business. The Company operates its businesses through three segments: garment segment, new material segment and venture capital segment. The garment segment offers suits, leisurewear and shirts under the brand names of SMALTO, QUA, LUB and others. The new material segment provides materials for lithium batteries. The venture capital segment mainly operates a Langfang-based science and technology valley. The Company operates its business in domestic markets with Ningbo and Shanghai as its major markets. As of December 31, 2008, the Company had two wholly owned subsidiaries and five partially owned subsidiaries.
Ningbo Shanshan Co., Ltd
أقفلت سوق الأسهم الأسترالية منخفضة وسط قاعدة عريضة من عمليات البيع بعد تعثر وول ستريت. وتراجع مؤشر ستاندرد أند بورز/ إيه أس إكس 200 بمقدار 45.5 نقطة أو ما نسبته 1.2% في المائة لينهي عند 3,755.7. بينما خسر مؤشر أوول أورديناريز الأوسع نطاقاً 41.4 نقطة أو 1.1% في المائة لينهي عند 3,753.9.
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