One of China's oldest state-owned companies, Shougang (also known as Capital Steel) built its reputation with construction steel. The steelmakers is China's fourth largest and also specializes in industrial controls and the computer industry. Flagship company Shougang Concord Century Holdings trades iron ore and other minerals and metals. Shougang Concord International Enterprises makes electronics and steel products for worldwide export. Shougang Concord Grand focuses on property investment, development, and management. To equip such holdings, Shougang Concord Technology Holdings makes phone cords, power cords, and plugs.
Shougang Corporation
أقفلت الأسواق الأمريكية ليلاً دون تغيير تقريباً، حيث إختار المستثمرون عدم المغامرة عشية الإنتخابات الرئاسية وبرغم بعض المعلومات الجديدة التي تقلل من المخاوف الإقتصادية.
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